
Volume 27(2), December 2000

Reflections on the teacher’s tasks : contributions from philosophy of education in the 20th century. [Download PDF]
William Hare

Education in Singapore : a study of state values as cultural capital. [Download PDF]
Johannes Chang

Australian universities’ reactions to reduced federal financial support for coursework postgraduate awards. [Download PDF]
Ross Harrold

‘I believe in fair and bonny play’ : David H. Drummond and state-aid : 1930-1962. [Download PDF]
John Godfrey and Alexander Pouw-Bray

Self-concept : multidimensional or multi-faceted, unidimensional? [Download PDF]
Russell Waugh

Teaching youth : an exploration of generational-trait vision in pre- service teachers. [Download PDF]
David Pyvis

Occupational and institutional socialisation in an Australian college of advanced education. [Download PDF]
Anthony Potts