Education Research and Perspectives

An international journal

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Education Research and Perspectives (ERP, ISSN: 1446-0017) has been published continuously since December 1950. It is managed by the University of Western Australia. Initially called The Educand, the title was changed in 1961 to The Australian Journal of Higher Education. The present title was adopted in 1974. Throughout its history, the Journal has been multi-disciplinary in its outlook, with a mixture of general issues and issues devoted to special topics. The Journal welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of empirical research articles, review essays, commentary papers, and book reviews. The range of authors is worldwide. All papers (with the exception of book reviews) are peer reviewed.

Until 2012, ERP was produced in hard copy format, and published on a bi-annual basis. In 2012, ERP became an open-access, online journal, and ceased to be made available in hard copy format. Volumes are published now on an annual basis. All contents of the Journal from 2000 onward are now available as open access articles. Issues of ERP published prior to 2000 are available in hard copy form and can be downloaded through sites such as Proquest. A list of article titles and authors for these prior issues is available through the Articles section of this site.

There are no ‘issues’ of the Journal any longer – each volume of the Journal represents an entire year of publications.

Prospective authors – please note that the Journal no longer accepts unsolicited submissions – the Journal only accepts invited papers.

Elaine Chapman

Elaine Chapman is based in the Graduate School of Education in the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education at UWA. Elaine held academic positions at Monash University and at the University of Sydney prior to settling at UWA. Elaine’s background is in psychology.

David Andrich

Professor David Andrich is currently the Chapple Chair in Education at the University of Western Australia. Professor Andrich is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and is a world authority on Rasch’s probabilistic measurement models.

Vale Albert Bandura

1925 – 2021

Albert Bandura was formerly on the editorial board of ERP. He was the David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University. Over almost six decades, Professor Bandura made innumerable contributions to research in psychology.

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