Open Access Article

Generative AI as a Collaborative Companion: Enhancing Peer Feedback in EFL Writing Classes

by Xiaolin Wang1 and Wenxia Zhang2

1 Northeast Forestry University
2 Tsinghua University

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 51, 31 December 2024, Pages 102-123;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv51.2412005


This paper explores the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) into peer feedback in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing class as a collaborative companion, aiming at enhancing peer feedback engagement and improving overall writing ability. This study first proposes a framework for integrating GAI in peer feedback, focusing on its dual roles as a feedback provider and recipient, and introduces the steps of implementing GAI in peer feedback. It continues with a discussion of the major advantages of this new feedback approach such as creating a less-pressured learning environment, providing dynamic and customizable feedback and fostering collaboration between humans and GAI. Additionally, the major implications of this study are also discussed. This exploratory study will shed light on a deeper understanding of incorporating GAI as a digital peer to improve students’ peer feedback experience in EFL writing classes and equip them with AI competencies.