Open Access Article

Examining Mathematics Teacher Content Knowledge Using Policy, State Certification Tests and Transcripts

by Pamela Esprívalo Harrell and Colleen McLean Eddy

University of North Texas

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 81-104;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv38.11004


This study examined mathematics teacher content knowledge in terms of policy maker recommendations, college coursework, and teacher certification mathematics test scores. Transcript analysis indicated poor alignment of national policy maker recommendations for mathematics teachers and college degrees in mathematics. Teacher certification test results based on mathematics coursework preparation suggested that state educator standards require knowledge of content taught in middle school, high school, and in introductory college mathematics courses. Policy makers are asked to consider the validity of content tests, which align poorly with college degrees in mathematics and are used as primary gatekeepers to teacher certification.